They may be too young to chain themselves to old growth trees or join the fight to save the whales, but the bubs in your life can take up the greenie cause by kitting themselves out in sustainable clothing. (And promising to invent the no-emission car when they’re older; but first things first, eh?)Eco Peko is a new bubs clothing label featuring two styles of organic teeshirts.
Eco Chic is a bold ’save the earth’ style tee that comes in natural or retro green (gotta love this green) each tee comes with a very cute, box shaped, hessian bag for eco kids to put their treasures into. Eco Babies range is a soft subtle style tee that comes in natural or sage. Each shirt has a lovely message and an organic cotton bag as ‘eco babies say no to plastic’.This earth friendly fashion range is made from 100% Certified organic cotton, has a super high thread count (really soft stuff) and the knitting, stitching & dyeing processes are green from top to bottom. Making it a label every kiddie can get behind. Plus we’ll even throw in a packet of organic seeds to help get their veggie patch underway.
My personal fav is the slogan tee " My dad recycles more than your dad "You can visit Eco Peko at www.ecopeko.com
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