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Sophie Dahl has been both round as a Rubens and as sylphy as a sapling, through trial, error and an episode in India which needn't be discussed in detail with anyone.She lived out the latter part of her adolescence in public, and so her puppy fat, which should have been a tender family joke, became fuel for national debate. At the time this was crippling to her, and one of the reasons she moved to another country. Flirting with every food fad from Atkins to raw food, she has had both misadventures and victories in her quest to have a sound healthy relationship with food.Now in her twenty-ninth year it is suddenly simpler: Sophie cooks and eats, and does both with gusto. It can be lonely and confusing navigating food, particularly with the standards of beauty and weight that are thrust upon us by advertisers. Sophie aims to debunk some of the horrible punishing diet myths, and replace them with compassionate common sense, anecdotal stories and a lashing of healthy recipes. This is a book that doesn't encourage guilt or monastic deprivation, but celebrates the joy in food and eating.Original, funny, quirky with a bit of whimsy, this glorious book is full of wonderful anecdotes and delicious recipes and scattered with Sophie’s own lovely Matisse-like line drawings that slope off the page.
About the Author
Sophie Dahl was born in London in 1977. She was immortalised as the orphan Sophie in the beloved children's classic, The BFG, by Roald Dahl, her grandfather. She began modelling in 1996, after being discovered by fashion maverick Isabella Blow outside a bookshop. Her first novel, Playing With The Grown-Ups was published in October 2007 following her best-selling novella, The Man With The Dancing Eyes. Dahl is a contributing editor for Men's Vogue, and her work has been published in American Vogue, The Guardian, The Telegraph Magazine and The Spectator. Dahl has recently moved back to England after an eight year sojourn in New York.
About the Author
Sophie Dahl was born in London in 1977. She was immortalised as the orphan Sophie in the beloved children's classic, The BFG, by Roald Dahl, her grandfather. She began modelling in 1996, after being discovered by fashion maverick Isabella Blow outside a bookshop. Her first novel, Playing With The Grown-Ups was published in October 2007 following her best-selling novella, The Man With The Dancing Eyes. Dahl is a contributing editor for Men's Vogue, and her work has been published in American Vogue, The Guardian, The Telegraph Magazine and The Spectator. Dahl has recently moved back to England after an eight year sojourn in New York.
I was going through kids book reviews and here pops up your site but to be honest I am glad it did.